Engineering Physics Lab Manual With Readings
ENGINEERING PHYSICS I PHYSICS 2425 SYNONYM: 28388- 002 CREDITS: (4-3-3) INSTRUCTOR: John A. Underwood COURSE DESCRIPTION: Calculus-based study of motion, forces, work, energy, momentum and angular momentum, vibrations and waves. Intended for majors in engineering, physics, chemistry, and mathematics. PREREQUISITES: 1. One year of H.S. Physics or equivalent 2.
Credit in MATH 2414 or its equivalent TEXT: Tipler and Mosca, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 6th edition OTHER: Scientific calculator, subscription of the WebAssign Online homework service METHODOLGY: Lecture/Lab. LECTURE: TH: 8—9:50 am at RGC 331 Lab: TH: 10-11:50 am at RGC 326 OFFICE LOCATION: RGC 309 PHONE NUMBER: 223-3299 E-MAIL ADDRESS: OFFICE HOURS: M-H 7:30-8:00 AM, 1:00-2:00 PM Other times by appointment COURSE RATIONALE: University calculus level physics course intended for majors in engineering, physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science and other technical and scientific majors. This course is intended to develop and overview of physics using calculus based models as well as problem solving and critical thinking.
University calculus level physics course intended for majors in engineering, physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science and other technical and scientific majors. COURSE OBJECTIVES: I. To develop the concepts and language of physics. To develop problem-solving processes involving mathematics, including calculus.
ENGINEERING PHYSICS LAB MANUAL Dept of BH&S 1. EXPERIMENT-1 DISPERSIVE POWER OF A PRISM AIM: To determine the dispersive power of a material of prism using Spectrometer APPARATUS: Spectrometer, Prism. M is the difference between the readings. ENGINEERING PHYSICS. (As per 2017 Academic. Yamaha v star 950 tourer. Get attestation from the staff in the record note book for the readings taken and get the result. ENGINEERING PHYSICS LAB MANUAL - Download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File. The spectrometer reading by taking the difference between the direct reading.
To develop symbolic language and use of graphs and charts to communicate. To develop critical thinking. Laboratory 1. To strengthen the concepts and ideas introduced in class and show the link between theory and experiment. To develop an awareness of and introduction to error analysis 3. To develop experimental techniques. To develop the use of graphs and charts to communicate.
To introduce the concepts of experimental design. To introduce technical writing through the process of formal lab reports.
Physics Lab Manual Pdf
Engineering Physics Colleges
To develop critical thinking. GRADING SYSTEM: The course grade will be based on the following components: GRADING SYSTEM Lecture component Laboratory component Quizzes @20% 40% Experiment Reports 80% Final Exam 34% Class activities 7% Other lab activities 10% Homework 14% (non-experiment) Class participation 5% Lab participation 10% Total: 100% Total: 100% The overall course letter grade is determined by the following total course weighted average: 90-100% -A 80-90% -B 70-80% -C 60-70% -D.